A Message From Principal Justin Brown

Lisbon Elementary Families,
My name is Justin Brown and I am the Principal at Lisbon Elementary. I believe in servant leadership and putting students/staff/families first. I believe in providing an environment and instructional practices that make our students employable and ready for their futures. I pride myself on communication and making sure that families know what is going on within our building. I truly believe that Lisbon is an amazing place for kids to learn and make lifelong friends. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns that you may have!
Here at Lisbon Elementary - we talk about providing World Class Opportunities with Community PRIDE! What that means to us as a staff is building positive relationships and providing rigorous academic opportunities for all students in Lisbon. What this looks like for us but is not limited to:
- Scoring “High Performing” on the Iowa Department of Education 2021 and 2022 School Performance Profile Ranking. This is the second highest possible ranking.
- Scoring "Commendable" on the Iowa Department of Education 2023 School Performance Profile Ranking.
- Raising our ISASP scores by 12% in all academic categories since 2019. We have scored consistently at this level from 2020-2023.
- PBIS system with common language by all staff in common areas and in classrooms. Students can earn tickets for positive behavior and use them at our PBIS store!
- Updated reading, math, upper elementary social studies, reading intervention, math intervention, SEL, PK curriculums since 2019.
- Regular posting on our social media the great things happening at Lisbon Elementary and quarterly posting of our Elementary Newsletter!
- Semesterly PBIS assemblies in which students receive rewards and families are invited to watch!
- The belief that ALL students can learn.
- High behavioral expectations for students to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for ALL students.
- Our staff believes in and collectively commits to:
- Having a growth mindset.
- Being driven.
- Communicating.
- Having a family mindset.
- Teamwork.
We thank you for your partnership with us and look forward to working together!
Justin Brown
Lisbon Elementary Principal
Email: jbrown@lisbon.k12.ia.us
Phone: 319-455-2659 EXT 125
School Dropoff and Pickup
The school day begins at 8:15 a.m. at Lisbon Elementary. Students will be allowed to go to the classrooms beginning at 8:10 a.m. Parents may walk their child to the office, but students should proceed to their classrooms on their own. Unless permission is arranged with the teacher, students should not arrive at school prior to 8:00 a.m. or remain after 3:15 p.m. as there is no school or playground supervision for children before or following these times.
Contact Information
235 W School St.
Lisbon, IA 52253
(319) 455-3500
Justin Brown, Principal
Brandon Horman, Asst. Principal
Julie Hendricks, Administrative Assistant