A Message From Principal Jack Leighty

Welcome to Lisbon Secondary,
My name is Jack Leighty and I am the Secondary School Principal here at Lisbon. I have a strong belief that building relationships with students, parents, teachers and community members is key to establishing a culture of learning. I pride myself on communication and have an open door policy for all stakeholders. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out.
At Lisbon Secondary our staff has created a set of Core Values we feel are important in creating a positive learning environment for all students. Our goal is to model these values so we can lead our students toward post-secondary success in any avenue of life they choose.
The Lisbon Community School District has a long history of success. We look forward to partnering with you to continue this tradition of excellence.
Jack Leighty
Secondary Principal
319-455-2106 Ext. 108
Lisbon Secondary Contact Information
235 W School St.
Lisbon, IA 52253
(319) 455-2106
Jack Leighty, Principal
Brandon Horman, Asst. Principal and Activities Director
Andrea Hasselbusch, Secretary